Le CVL atteste que la FEBEA a reçu l’engagement de la « Personne Responsable » au sens du Règlement cosmétique européen que :
- Les produits figurant sur le CVL sont conformes au Règlement européen sur les produits cosmétiques (CE n°1223/2009) du 30 novembre 2009,
- Ces produits sont fabriqués conformément aux Bonnes Pratiques de Fabrication (BPF) décrites par la norme EN ISO 22716 ou par toute autre norme jugée équivalente.
Le CVL émis par la FEBEA est délivré conformément aux procédures reconnues par les autorités françaises compétentes en la matière et il est parfaitement connu et reconnu par les autorités de contrôle lors de l’importation de produits cosmétiques ou lors des enregistrements de ces produits.
La procédure de délivrance mise en œuvre par la FEBEA est en outre certifiée ISO 9001 (2015).
Mise à jour le 06/04/20
Du fait de la crise sanitaire actuelle et du confinement obligatoire, il n’est plus possible d’assurer le process « normal » d’émission et transmission des CVL :
- Le courrier d’envoi du CVL risque à terme de ne pas parvenir à son destinataire, en France
- Il y a de plus en plus de difficultés pour que les entreprises organisent l’acheminement des CVL vers les pays destinataires
- Certains services de légalisation sont fermés
Afin de permettre la continuité d’activité à l’export des entreprises cosmétique, nous proposons, en parallèle à l’émission de CVL « papier », la délivrance de CVL dématérialisés (e-CVL) temporaires qui a reçu l’accord formel de la Direction Générale des Entreprises (DGE) du ministère de l’Economie :
- Ces documents seront le reflet du CVL officiel et auront une durée de validité limitée (6 mois),
- Ils seront disponibles par téléchargement sur la plateforme de la FEBEA,
- Il sera possible, à la demande, de fournir le CVL officiel sur papier sécurisé correspondant pour compléter le dossier d’importation ultérieurement,
- Pour les pays qui le requièrent, le tampon dématérialisé de la CCIP pourra également être apposé .
Les attestations Chine devant accompagner les CVL Chine seront également proposées en version dématérialisée.
Nous espérons que cette initiative vous aidera à traverser cette période difficile.
The Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) is an essential document to facilitate the export of cosmetic products to the 65 countries outside the European Union that are requiring such a certificate. The CFS certifies that the FEBEA has received the commitment from the "Responsible Person" under the European Cosmetic Regulations that:
- The products mentioned on the CFS comply with the European Regulation on cosmetic products (CE n ° 1223/2009) of November 30, 2009,
- These products are manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) relatinf to EN ISO 22716 or any other standard deemed equivalent.
The CFS is issued by FEBEA according to procedures recognized by the French authorities competent in the matter, it is as well perfectly known and recognized by the control authorities when importing cosmetic products or when registering these products.
The issuing procedure implemented by FEBEA is also certified ISO 9001 (2015).
April 06th, 2020 update
Due to the current health crisis and mandatory confinement, it is no longer possible to ensure the usual process of issuing and transmitting CFS :
- CFS sent by postal mail may not reach its recipient in France
- Companies are facing increasing difficulties in organizing the dispatch of CFS to destination countries
- Some legalization services are closed
In order to ensure the continuity of export business for cosmetic companies, we have set up a temporary digital FSC offer in parallel with the issuance of “secure paper” CFS. These e-CFS have received formal agreement from the General Directorate of Enterprises (DGE) of the Ministry of the Economy:
- These documents are identical to the official CFS (paper version), their validity is limited to 6 months,
- They can be directly downloaded on the FEBEA platform by the applicant,
- The corresponding official CFS on secure paper can be provided upon request to complete the import file if necessary. For countries where this is required, the CCIP stamp will also be affixed in a paperless manner, with its agreement.
- The certificates that are issued with the CFS for China will also be offered in dematerialized version.
We hope that this initiative will facilitate your export procedures and help you to get through this difficult period.
english translation
Subject : Decision of the Head of Service/ By way of derogation, issuance by electronic means of Certificates of Free Sale for cosmetic products during the period from April 1 to June 1 2020
Mr. President & CEO,
Following our various exchanges, I take note that, in order to adapt to the current exceptional circumstances, the Fédération des Entreprises de la Beauté (FEBEA) 137, rue de l’Université – 75007 Paris , will issue, by way of derogation, certificats de vente libre / Certificates of Free Sale in dematerialised form or “e-CVL”, in accordance with the procedures recognised by the competent French authorities and based on the hereunder unchanged template.
These e-certificates, issued by way of derogation and for the period from April 1 to June 1 :
- must expressly state that their period of validity is limited to six months;
- must bear all other indications appearing on the CFS issued in paper form and in particular the registration number of the CFS, which will be identical to the registration number of the paper CFS which may be issued in parallel at the request of the exporting company
FEBEA CFS Template
“In view of the designation of the FEBEA - French Federation of Fragrance, Cosmetics & Toiletries – as an entity empowered to issue Certificates of Free Sale (CFS) by the Ministry of Industry in 1968,
In accordance with the CFS issuing procedure developed by FEBEA with the Ministry of Industry,
Pursuant to an agreement between the FEBEA and the French governmental authorities,
The FEBEA, through its President & CEO, Patrick O'QUIN, certifies that it has obtained the commitment from the company identified in box 1 that the products listed in the present document comply with EC Regulation (CE) No. 1223/2009 of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products.
This infers that the cosmetic products listed have been manufactured in accordance with the Good Manufacturing Practices described in standard EN ISO 22716 or by any other standard judged equivalent. They are placed under the control of the competent authorities of the French Republic and the other Member States.
In these circumstances, these products may be sold freely in France and in all other Member States of the European Union.”
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